La Casa del Formaggio


Come and enjoy a holistic experience at Casa del Formaggio with Haykel and Takwa, in an exceptional natural setting.

For a few hours or a whole day, you can experience an immersion in the heart of nature, with the possibility of taking part in creative cheese-making workshops for creamy, peppery and peperencino cheeses, or sharing an unforgettable meal in the country house.


Expérience : Atelier de fabrication et de dégustation de fromages fermiers à la Casa Del Formaggio à Ain Draham


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Pinart - Madame Habiba

Wed Jul 19 , 2023
La Casa del Formaggio Category Sale of culinary products Set up in the heart of the Kef medina since 1986 by its founder Habiba, […]
Me Habiba atelier Le Kef